Congratulations to our 2020 Award Winners!
One of the most important tasks of the organization is to celebrate outstanding achievement by our members. In November, the AFA Professional Development and Research Committees recognized the follow members for their outstanding accomplishments:
The 2020 Delta Sigma Rho-Tau Kappa Alpha Lifetime Achieve Award winner was:
Larry Schnoor, Minnesota State University, Mankato

The 2020 Daniel Rohrer Memorial Outstanding Research Award winners are:
Martin Camper & Zach Fechter (2019). “Enthymematic free space: the efficacy of anti-stop- and-frisk arguments in the face of racial prejudice.”Argumentation and Advocacy, 55 (4), 2019: 259-281.

The 2020 Outstanding Dissertation Award winner is:
Jason Jordan, University of Utah, Rhetorics of Rurality: A Semester with the Anson High School Debate Team. Co-Advisors: Drs. Ann Darling and Michael Middleton.