Congratulations to 2021 AFA Award Winners!
At our business meeting at the 107th National Communication Association convention, we named the winners of our annual awards. Congratulations to the following winners!
DSR-TKA Lifetime Achievement Award
DSR-TKA Lifetime Achievement Award: Dr. Mike Edmonds, Colorado College
Distinguished Service Awards
2020 Distinguished Service Award – Dr. Ed Panetta, University of Georgia
2021 Distinguished Service Award- Dr. Catherine Helen Palczewski, University of Northern Iowa
2021 Daniel Rohrer Memorial Outstanding Research Awards:
Book-length manuscript: Dr. Ben Voth, Southern Methodist University, Debate as Global Pedagogy: Rwanda Rising
Essay manuscript: Dr. Carlos A. Tarin, University of Texas-El Paso, (2021), “Beyond the Margin: a (Critical) Qualitative Study of People of Color in Intercollegiate Forensics,” Argumentation and Advocacy.
Brockriede Research Grant
Dr. Carly Woods, University of Maryland. $1000 research grant for “Ambassadors of Argument: Internationalism, Imperialism, & Intercollegiate Debating in the Interwar Period.”